Sunday, September 29, 2019

What is CGI and Perl

Common Gateway Interface

Practical Extraction & Report Language

CGI is a standard way for a Web server to pass a Web user's request to an application program and to receive data back to forward to the user. When the user requests a Web page (for example, by clicking on a highlighted word or entering a Web site address), the server sends back the requested page. However, when a user fills out a form on a Web page and sends it in, it usually needs to be processed by an application program. The Web Server typically passes the form information to a small application program that processes the data and may send back a confirmation message. This method or convention for passing data back and forth between the server and the application is called the common gateway interface (CGI). It is part of the Web's Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Perl or Practical Extraction and Report Language is a family of script programming languages that are similar in syntax to the C language, including Perl 5 and Perl 6 . Perl is an open source, general-use, interpreted language. In general, Perl is easier to learn and faster to code in than the more structured C and C++ languages. Perl programs can, however, be quite sophisticated. It is often used for developing common gateway interface (CGI) programs because it has good text manipulation facilities, although it also handles binary files. Perl includes a number of popular UNIX facilities such as sed, awk, and tr. It can be compiled just before execution into either C code or cross-platform bytecode. When compiled, a Perl program is almost as fast as a fully pre-compiled C language program. A plug-in can be installed for some servers, such as Apache, so that Perl is loaded permanently in memory, thus reducing compile time and resulting in faster execution of CGI Perl scripts

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reduce or Stop Spam Junk Email

Simple steps that you can take to stop spam, Prevent your email address from becoming a spam target, Protection against viruses, ransomware phishing attacks

Most Spam messages are commercial in nature and are not only annoying but also can be dangerous. They may contain links that lead to phishing web sites or sites that are hosting malware - or include malware as files attachments

Unfortunately the problem with spam is here to stay. And the volume of this questionable practice seems to be increasing at an exponential rate. RSH Web Services receives numerous emails about this problem. The short answer is that there is not a 100% fool proof solution, But implementing some of the steps listed below can help reduce the amount tremendously

Never show your Email address on your Website

Using Mail-To Forms

Disable Catch All's

Never follow the Unsubscribe link

Never forward Chain Letters

Use POP E-mail Accounts & E-Mail Forwarding Creatively

Deny by IP Address

Use Spam-Filtering Software

Use an External Spam-Filtering Service

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Building WordPress Websites

Using WordPress, CMS (content management system)

Installing WordPress

Softaculous is a auto installer cPanel It installs WordPress with a few clicks. Login to your cPanel and, look for WordPress under the "Softaculous App Installer" section. You will see the WordPress icon there, Click on the "Install Now" button

Finish filling in the WordPress installation details:
"Choose Domain"
Select the Domain you want to install your WordPress on from the drop-down menu
"In Directory"
Leave this blank to install on the domain directly. If you are installing in a sub-folder of your site you type the folder name here. This will make the blog load like the following:
"Admin Username"
Enter a username for your WordPress Dashboard login
"Admin Password"
Enter whatever password you want for the Dashboard Login
"Admin email"
Enter a valid email here. The system will place an invalid email here. you will need a valid one

Once you finish the install process, you can access your new Wordpress Dashboard by going to ""

WordPress Themes

As soon as you create a WordPress blog, you already have a theme active. This is either the default WordPress theme or the theme that you chose during the Setup Wizard

To find free themes, the best place to search is the official theme directory Another solid option is Just Free Themes for a more curated approach A list of the best WordPress themes for blogs

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Using Drupal to Build a Website

Drupal Installation with cPanel. Using Modules. The User Interface. Changing Themes. Creating New Pages. Managing Content. Structure, Reports. Appearance, Step by step guide

Before you start to build a website with Drupal, you should first know about a few different Features. Drupal has a unique way to organize its parts and it will be handy to know their names and what they do

These are small scripts that extend a Drupal site’s features and functionality

Themes control the design of your Website. They determine how Content is displayed and can be customized to fit your needs

These are different Drupal versions that contain themes, modules and configurations for particular types of websites such as online stores, social networking sites. The "Distributions" makes creating those sites quicker and easier

Blocks are individual boxes of content that can appear in different sections of your site such as headers, sidebars or footers. These can contain information like breadcrumbs, your latest posts, navigation menus and more

Building a Drupal Website

Before you can build your Website you will need good Domain Name and a reliable Hosting Service
RSH Web Services can help with this
Drupal Hosting
Domain Registration

Install Drupal using Softaculous

You can have Drupal installed to your Website in minutes by using the Softaculous application installer in cPanel. To install Drupal using Softaculous, follow these steps:

Monday, September 23, 2019

Stop Browser Leaks

Avoid non https websites
Minimize plugin use
Avoid browser fingerprinting
Turn off "autofill"

There’s a lot you can do to browse the web anonymously and avoid being tracked. But no matter what you may have done or set up the browser can still leak personal information that could then be exploited by attackers for their gains. Here is how your browser might be compromising your privacy and what you can do about it

Listing Other Websites of interest
More information these Websites can show about us

Saturday, September 21, 2019

WordPress Translation Plugins

Benefits of WordPress Multilingual Plugins Lead to new markets. Over 4 billion people were on the Internet as of June 2019, which is aound 56 percent of the total population. English may be the most popular, it is still only about half. Other top languages are: Russian, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, and Persian

Translating your WordPress Website will help you reach a larger percentage of the Net. This can be important even if you have not previously targeting a multilingual audience, Your website will receive traffic from people with different languages and ....

Friday, September 20, 2019


Tricks and Tips
Tutorials, Features
Keyboard Shortcuts and Hacks
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

When asked about the most popular Social Sharing websites you always start with Facebook then Twitter... YouTube will often be left out. But YouTube has the second greatest reach after Facebook in terms of general usage. It is also the second most poplar search engine behind its parent company, Google

Listing a few tips and ticks to use with YouTube

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Using Bing Maps

Using Bing Maps

Bing Maps Is a Web Mapping service provided as a part of Microsoft's Bing suite of search engines and powered by the Bing Maps for Enterprise. You can have Bing Maps show your current location, or with the search box to find almost any place in the World. You can use it to get directions, find traffic details, and simply view the maps

Places of Interest

When using Bing's "Birds Eye View"

The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri

Grand Canyon National Park located in northwestern Arizona

The Strip Las Vegas, NV

The Magic Kingdom Disney World, Orlando, FL

The Pantheon A former Roman temple, now a church, in Rome, Italy

Graceland Memphis, TN

Yellowknife, Canada The capital of the Northwest Territories in Canada

Cahors, France The capital of the Lot region in southwest France

Iwata, Japan, located in Shizuoka prefecture of Japan

New York Stadium New York

Crystal Cove State Park Newport Beach, California

Orange County Airport California

Clearwater Harbor Florida

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport Dallas, Texas

Monday, September 16, 2019

Cyber Attacks Can Happen to Anyone

How Can You Protect Your Business?

It is virtually impossible to run a business today that doesn’t use electronic data and record keeping in some fashion. As a result Security risks are an unfortunate but a real threat for just about every business

There are steps you can do to help protect yourself and your Website

Department of Homeland Security

Direct quote from their web site

The following preventative strategies are intended to help our public and private partners pro-actively look for emails attempting to deceive users into "clicking the link" or opening attachments to seemingly real websites:

  • Never click on links in emails. If you do think the email is legitimate, whether from a third party retailer or primary retailer, go to the site and log on directly. Whatever notification or service offering was referenced in the email, if valid, will be available via regular log on
  • Never open the attachments. Typically, retailers will not send emails with attachments. If there is any doubt, contact the retailer directly and ask whether the email with the attachment was sent from them
  • Do not give out personal information over the phone or in an email unless completely sure. Social engineering is a process of deceiving individuals into providing personal information to seemingly trusted agents who turn out to be malicious actors. If contacted over the phone by someone claiming to be a retailer or collection agency, do not give out your personal information. Ask them to provide you their name and a call-back number. Just because they may have some of your information does not mean they are legitimate!

Other practical tips to protect yourself from cyber-attacks:

  • Set secure passwords and don't share them with anyone. Avoid using common words, phrases, or personal information and update regularly
  • Keep your operating system, browser, anti-virus and other critical software up to date. Security updates and patches are available for free from major companies
  • Verify the authenticity of requests from companies or individuals by contacting them directly. If you are asked to provide personal information via email, you can independently contact the company directly to verify this request
  • Pay close attention to website URLs. Pay attention to the URLs of websites you visit. Malicious websites sometimes use a variation in common spelling or a different domain (for example, .com instead of .net) to deceive unsuspecting computer users
  • For e-Mail, turn off the option to automatically download attachments
  • Be suspicious of unknown links or requests sent through email or text message. Do not click on unknown links or answer strange questions sent to your mobile device, regardless of who the sender appears to be

Learn More about Cyber Attacks

Advice about common security issues for non-technical computer users
Information about current security issues, vulnerabilities, and exploits
Weekly Summary of New Vulnerabilities

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Should you use a VPN when traveling?
How to outsmart your smart device
Is your mobile transaction secure?
How to create a good password
Surfing the web - safely
Risks of using a public Wi-fi

Saturday, September 14, 2019

What to Look for in a VPN

When researching for a good VPN company there are four critical security features to look for

Military Grade 256-bit Encryption
The first feature is a VPN is military-grade (256-bit) encryption. The 256-bit encryption has an encryption key length of 2265. that is 1.2 x 1077 possible combinations needed to unveil a single encryption key. That’s about 115 Quattuorvigintillion possibilities. The numbers are indeed mind boggling. But thats the idea, to make it virtually impossible to crack. Brute-forcing is simply not possible with 256-bit encryption

Servers and Locations
Next be sure that your VPN provider has over 1,000 Servers and to be located Worldwide. This ensures that there are always enough connection points and IP addresses to offer you a high-quality connection

Easy Connect
3rd is a VPN company that connects automatically or allows you to start a secure connection very easily. Having to log in and out of your VPN every time you want to get online can become a nuisance and you may at times just forget to log on

No Logging
Last to look for is a " Policy". When choosing a VPN provider they should keep NO logs on users. This means the VPN should not record what websites you visit, what you download, or any form of traffic whatsoever. If a VPN provider logs IP addresses, that provider many not be optimal for privacy. The service should not log any user data or ever retain logs for periods of time

Free VPNs

These companies are plentiful but these normally will share your browsing data with third parties. Your best bet is to purchase a subscription from a provider that offers a no-log VPN, which means the vendor won’t record your browsing data and later sell it to the highest bidder. When selecting a provider, be sure to read the fine print. Many are clear about how they treat your data, though 26 of the most popular free VPNs have actually admitted to logging user data despite claiming otherwise


A Panama based online protection service that allows you to sustain your online freedom through its VPN browser feature. The service does have presence in 60 countries with the help of 4,700+ servers worldwide. The only VPN that RSH Web Services trust, use and would recommend. Read our review on NordVPN

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

What is ConfigServer Security and Firewall

ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) is a a firewall configuration program created to provide better security for a Web Server while giving you an easy to use, advanced interface for managing all aspects of your firewall settings. A login and intrusion, detection, security application for Linux Web Servers. It is probably the most popular and the best security tool that can protect your Server and websites against brute force attacks and improve your security

Control Panel Interface

To help with the ease and flexibility of the suite has developed a front end to both csf and lfd which is accessible by the root account through WHM, cPanel, DirectAdmin and Webmin. From there you can modify the configuration files. Stop, start and restart the applications and check the status. This makes configuring and managing the firewall as simple as can be

Listing over 50 different Featured Scripts

Articales and Blogs about SSL and Security

> SSL Certificates General Knowledge Base
> The Different SSL Security Certificates
> Why Web Security is Important
> What Is SSL or HTTPS
> Fix SSL Warnings
> Security for Your Website
> DDoS Protection
> Make The Switch to SSL

Security Tools for Smartphones

Top 12 Best Security Apps for Mobile Phones

Do you know what to do if you completely lost your mobile phone, or worse case had it stolen? Do you know how to get it back. What about your personal data that is in and linked to your phone?

What can be done if your phone was lost or stolen?

Start by installing some type of security apps for your device. With all of the different apps available and most for free, there is no excuse for not protecting your phone. And it is sometimes worth paying a small fee for the better apps for the security you need

Listing some of the better apps for your mobile phone. When it comes to security tools everyone has different criteria. We kept this in mind as we did our review and noticed a few features that made these apps stand out

Blogs and Articles on Personal Security

> How do I remove my public records
> Outsmarting the Smart Devices
> Secure Mobile Transactions
> Creating a Strong Password
> Surf the Web Safely
> The Risks of Public Wi-fi
> Online Privacy and Security