Sunday, September 27, 2020

Which Bitcoin trading software is best?


One of the best aspects of Cryptocurrency or Bitcoin trading is that it offers a chance for anyone to engage in opportunities for building wealth without the usual limits of traditional financial institutions. You can actually start Investing with a meager amount to grow your digital assets. According to a study, There are 7.1 million active bitcoin users. Over 42 million bitcoin wallets had been set up globally from 2016-2020. An estimated 8 percent of Americans hold bitcoin

Bitcoin has some of the best Cryptocurrency Trading software platforms available. It is used more than any other cryptocurrency

Which Bitcoin trading software is best?

The top 10 platforms that we feel are the best for cryptocurrency trading are discussed in this article



Saturday, September 26, 2020

Best Email Software for Your Business

 The ability to safeguard crucial business data should be a priority for all businesses. And managing emails is more important today than ever before. Email remains the primary method of communication between businesses, but there are a number of different ways in which emails can be used and stored

Are you looking for the best email programs or apps for your business?
Choosing the right application can be a daunting task

What is the Best Email Software for Your Business


Sunday, September 6, 2020

What is a URL and Where is it Located


Uniform Resource Locator's, or commonly abbreviated as "URLs" Also referred to as "Website Addresses. URL is pronounced with each letter spoken individually. I.E. U-R-L, not "Earl"

Main Components

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) can have 4 main components:
Protocol Identifier
Resource Name
Path Name
File Name

Let us look at this URL as a example:

Protocol Identifier

The first part of any URL is the http or a https...


Thursday, September 3, 2020

What is a WordPress website?

 WordPress is any website that uses WordPress to manage its contents. This content includes pages, videos, texts, pictures, and hyperlinks. WordPress also provides a back end interface that allows the Admin to manage the complete website. A front end interface that allows visitors to interact with the website


What is WordPress?

At its simplest WordPress is the most popular website builder or blog software. WordPress powers over 35% of all websites on the Internet today. Many famous Websites like, The Walt Disney Company, The White House, US Air Force General Chuck Yeager , The Rolling Stones, Sylvester Stallone,, Global News, And even Microsoft uses WordPress to power its Official Blogs

Types of WordPress Websites

Websites come in all different shapes and sizes. And many different types or combination of types. No matter what you choose it is important to know what you want for your website before you get started